
November 12, 2019


Software preservation is a serious problem, which deserves to be addressed with high priority. Losing source code would mean losing our know-how, experiences, competencies. This would not be acceptable for future generations and this is why I consider Software Heritage an impressive initiative, which we should all support. The CROSSMINER project is supporting Software Heritage by enabling the applications of the CROSSMINER analysis tools on the software heritage archive.

Davide Di Ruscio – University of L’Aquila (Italy)
Technical Director of the EU CROSSMINER project

November 12, 2019

Software preservation is a serious problem, which deserves to be addressed with high priority. Losing source code would mean losing our know-how, experiences, competencies. This would not be acceptable for future generations and this is why I consider Software Heritage an impressive initiative, which we should all support. The CROSSMINER project is supporting Software Heritage by enabling the applications of the CROSSMINER analysis tools on the software heritage archive.

Davide Di Ruscio – University of L’Aquila (Italy)
Technical Director of the EU CROSSMINER project

November 12, 2019