Software Heritage gets a Newsletter
Subscribe Source code is special: it’s executable knowledge that is meant to be human readable, by design. It’s an all time new in human history, and it deserves to…
Subscribe Source code is special: it’s executable knowledge that is meant to be human readable, by design. It’s an all time new in human history, and it deserves to…
Subscribe Source code is special: it’s executable knowledge that is meant to be human readable, by design. It’s an all time new in human history, and it deserves to…
Software Heritage’s long term goal is to archive the publicly available source code of all software ever written. To fulfill this mission it is essential to build adapters to track…
Software Heritage’s long term goal is to archive the publicly available source code of all software ever written. To fulfill this mission it is essential to build adapters to track…
Software Heritage’s long term goal is to archive the publicly available source code of all software ever written. To fulfill this mission it is essential to build adapters to track…
Supporting Open Science and reproducibility of research is part of our mission, and we are excited to announce that the Image Processing On Line journal (IPOL) has decided to deposit…
Supporting Open Science and reproducibility of research is part of our mission, and we are excited to announce that the Image Processing On Line journal (IPOL) has decided to deposit…
Supporting Open Science and reproducibility of research is part of our mission, and we are excited to announce that the Image Processing On Line journal (IPOL) has decided to deposit…
Software, and software source code in particular, is a pillar of modern research, and a stepping stone for Open Science. It must be properly archived, referenced, described and cited in…
Software, and software source code in particular, is a pillar of modern research, and a stepping stone for Open Science. It must be properly archived, referenced, described and cited in…