Open Invention Network
Open source software has been one of the instrumental, driving forces of innovation this century. Software Heritage is an important organization for software, having already archived more than 6 billion…
Open source software has been one of the instrumental, driving forces of innovation this century. Software Heritage is an important organization for software, having already archived more than 6 billion…
El software de código abierto ha sido una de las fuerzas instrumentales e impulsoras de la innovación en este siglo. Software Heritage es una importante organización para el software, habiendo…
Al apoyar la iniciativa “Software Heritage”, la Université de Paris continúa su compromiso con el acceso libre y responsable al conocimiento y al software de investigación. — Christine Clerici, Présidente…
By supporting the Software Heritage initiative, Université de Paris continues its commitment to the free and responsible sharing of knowledge and research software. — Christine Clerici, President of Université de…
In recent years, the trend of adding badges to a repository’s README file, became very popular. Many possibilities exist; license, continuous integration, passing tests, peer reviewed, chat, release date, and…
In recent years, the trend of adding badges to a repository’s README file, became very popular. Many possibilities exist; license, continuous integration, passing tests, peer reviewed, chat, release date, and…
In recent years, the trend of adding badges to a repository’s README file, became very popular. Many possibilities exist; license, continuous integration, passing tests, peer reviewed, chat, release date, and…
Pursuing our mission to collect, preserve and share the source code of all software ever written, 2019 was a year of great achievements for Software Heritage. Today is a good…
Pursuing our mission to collect, preserve and share the source code of all software ever written, 2019 was a year of great achievements for Software Heritage. Today is a good…
Pursuing our mission to collect, preserve and share the source code of all software ever written, 2019 was a year of great achievements for Software Heritage. Today is a good…